{def} arbitrage - /ˈärbəˌträZH/ - (noun) - the practice of taking advantage of a difference and striking a combination of matching deals to capitalize on the difference..

If you’ve been in development for any length of time, you know how slow the wheels of government turn. And you’ve also seen how markets can shift, sometimes literally overnight. So a project that made sense 6 months ago could be completely different today.

Making sense of these ever-changing real estate tides is what the one-on-one consulting from Preer will give you. Once you learn the power of the Three Arbitrages, your development business will never be the same again.

Arbitrage in Skillset

The first level of arbitrage is building up the proper skillset. You don’t know what you don’t know, but learning new things often takes trial and error to add a new skill to your repertoire. Or you can save time, money, and loads of undue stress by learning the skills of others. 

Once the skillset is expanded and in place, you can move to the next arbitrage.

Arbitrage in Strategy

The next level of arbitrage is in the right strategy. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Not every deal requires a giant overhead swing. 

Knowing how to approach a development is as important as what to develop. Learning the different strategies (often hidden in plain sight) will unlock the potential in every piece of property.

Once skillset and strategy are nailed down, the final arbitrage can be reached.

Arbitrage in Time

The final and often overlooked level of arbitrage is in time.

We all know it’s almost impossible to time the market. But having the right mindset of knowing when to hold, when to sell, and when to pivot is the final piece to creating a balanced property development business.

Putting these three keys into practice will give your business the ability to generate revenue out of seemingly fruitless situations and shift your mindset about what property development can truely become.

For real estate companies facing complex problems

If you are facing significant challenges and are ready to have a conversation about breakthroughs and total transformation, fill out this short form, and we will personally set up a meeting to talk with you about where you are in your business and if consulting is your next step to success..