In the realm of real estate, where fortunes are made and legacies are built, lies a hidden secret to unlocking boundless opportunities.

Preer’s real estate portfolio is the real-world representation of the Three Arbitrages in action. From childcare to retirement villages to caravan parks or commercial businesses, each of these pieces of property is part of a larger plan.

Conservatively, Preer manages well above 150 million worth of assets at any one time. Some of these assets are entwined with development projects to provide rolling capital. Others are in the company’s standard deal pipeline. But all have been acquired through over 15 years of experience and constant learning through consulting with some of the best developers in the world.

Assets & Industries

  • 7 caravan parks

  • 2 Retirement Villages

  • 6 Childcare Centres

  • 2 Hotel and Resorts

  • 2 Office Buildings, 3 Car Washers

Preer’s interdisciplinary practices

For significant investors who want to invest at the top of the food chain

By investing with us, you gain access to a portfolio of carefully selected properties that are poised to deliver substantial returns. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to be part of the strategic land banking revolution. Take the first step towards securing your financial future by contacting us today.